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haii guyzz! welcm to meh epic rawrsome blog!! (woahh sparkelz n fireworx) sum plebs r gonna call meh cringe by idc ^_^ i freaking authentic and yr borin as fuck beitch!!

peepz r'nt gonna realise that I'm literally aware im freaking cringe?! im being fuckin ironic u l0zer.

this site is going 2 b leik an archive and and dump of like all the totally rad stuff i do!!!

made a kewl fit of a randum 0nl1ne generaturr? thats fckin posted on a page sumwhere

wrote a rawrsum and totally rad short story for college?? find it in a randum post!!!!

anywayz a bit abt meh! my name iz Kyle (incase yr thick and can't tell) I'm somthin of a fandum culture luvr. i got that fckin autism and it made me intrested in 2002-2016ish as a culture (fuck 2020s every1 in the wrld fckin sux). im leik not supr good wif code n html but i am trying! wanna listn to me talk abt mental shit? IDC!! U HAVE 2 ITZ MEH BLOG MEWHEHEHE im a synesite i got weird synestesia that fricks multiple of my senses so im like rly freaking visual n shit. wanna hear abt my special intrests n shit? ONCE AGAIN GET FUCKED PLEBS YOU CAN'T CHNAGE WAT I TYPE GET PWNED!!!! okeh heres a super sick list of rly 3p1c intrestzz (itz gonna be l0ng slutz)

  • MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!! okeh so norma11y i lyke hxc stuff but MCR is THE FREAKING BOMB!!! its literally impozible to lyke them more than me!!
  • tumblr/devianart/4chan culturrr!! i woz never a big tumblr uzr but lyke i totally love reserchin fandum shit so its totes important
  • games!! i like stardew valley, FIVE NITES AT FREDDYZ, minecraft (rofl idc itz 4 kids), MSP and lyke most dress up gamez
  • ill add mor when i remeber

  • posted: 09/02/2025 | 12:33 am