Muzix Class @ College iz fcking d0pe! XD

i start3d college this year and oh meh god!! while, yes, its full of mostly normie b1tchez my music classess are sooo fun!! i g3t 2 just fuck ar0und with a bunch of rly kewl mics n editing software shit!! itz pr3tty sick! i take 2 music classes, a technical and theory class and a songwriting uni course. THEYRE BOTH SO RAD!!!!1!1! in my songwriting i got randumly assing3d a lil group just 2 lyke get a fe3l for playing with otherz but it waz lyke sew perfect cuz i totally woz expect1ng some borin asz beitchez!! but lyke everyone waz soooo coollll and they all had kewl music tastez 2!!1!!1 ^_^

sew anyway after thiz discovery we had 2 decide on a song 2 perform 4 our pe3rz a few sess1onz l8tr, we settl3d on a super swag song: pretty handsome awkward!! by the used!!1!!1!!1!!1 x3 ( also bt3dubz the us3d iz lyke 1 of the best fucking band ever slutz !!1!!11!!1!!1) and im the vocalist for our group sew thiz iz lyke a super dope song 2 sing!!1!!1!!1!!1

my entire group iz so talent3d at their instrumentz 2 ?!!1!!1? lyke the other 4 memberz of our group had nvr heard the song b4 and they fuckin nail3d it sooo hard?? i got fucking pwn3d in skillz xd our drummer iz sew crazy swag he pick3d up the song sew quickly and waz a super chill guy honestly whole group iz amazing!!1!!1 ( ^ω^ )

anywayssz sry for teh rant i woz just sew freaking hyp3d!!1!!1 roflmao xd c u l8tr slutz !!1!!1!!1!!1!!1!!1